Dry Eye Therapy in Fontana, Rancho Cucamonga, & Upland

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Complete Care to Relieve Dry Eye Symptoms

If you’re struggling with burning, stinging, eye discomfort or even blurred vision, it might be time to get help.

Our teams in Fontana, Upland, and Rancho Cucamonga understand how issues like dry eye can affect your day-to-day life, so we offer several comprehensive strategies to help get you back to enjoying your sight. Through our personalized approach and our commitment to helping you make the most of your vision, we’re ready to provide you with the care you need.

Uncover the road to complete dry eye relief and book your next appointment today. Find a location near you, or contact us with any questions or concerns!

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What Is Dry Eye?

Dry eye is a common condition that can cause irritating, uncomfortable symptoms like burning sensations, light sensitivity, and even blurred vision. It often occurs when your tears lack the ingredients they need to keep your eyes hydrated and comfortable, an issue that can develop for several reasons. 

In severe cases, dry eye can also lead to serious problems like damage to your cornea.

Types of Dry Eye

There are 2 types of dry eye: evaporative dry eye and aqueous tear deficiency. These types of dry eye are related to issues that can affect the quality and quantity of tears that help nourish and hydrate your eyes. Without healthy and stable tears, you can experience dry eye symptoms.

After determining what type of dry eye you have, we can recommend a personalized treatment strategy to help alleviate your symptoms.

Evaporative Dry Eye

Evaporative dry eye is the most common type, responsible for 85% of reported dry eye cases. It is most commonly caused by meibomian gland dysfunction, an issue that affects the oil-producing glands in your eyelids.

Your meibomian glands are essential for producing oil that helps stop your tears from evaporating too quickly. If your tears lack oil content, they can evaporate and lead to dry eye symptoms.

Aqueous tear deficiency is a condition that affects the water content in your tears, which helps keep your eyes comfortable and hydrated.

This version of dry eye is less common than evaporative dry eye, but your risk of developing it can increase if you have certain health conditions, such as Sjögren’s syndrome.

Symptoms & Risk Factors


Some of the most common dry eye symptoms include:

  • Stinging or burning feelings
  • Blurred vision
  • Light sensitivity
  • Eye redness
  • Wateriness

Risk Factors

You may have a higher risk of developing dry eye if:

  • You take certain medications
  • You’re 50 or older
  • You wear contact lenses
  • You have autoimmune conditions like lupus or Sjögren’s syndrome
  • You lack vitamin A in your diet

How Can We Help?

Everything we do is personalized to your unique needs, including our dry eye treatment strategies. We take the time to analyze your symptoms, determine the cause of your discomfort, and develop strategies based on your needs.

For severe dry eye cases, we have a network of ophthalmologists and specialists we can happily refer you to so you can get the help you deserve.

Eye Drops

Eye drops are among the most common ways to alleviate mild to moderate dry eye symptoms. Additionally, certain types of non-prescription eye drops may include mild lubricants that can help soothe the surface of the eyes.

Please speak to our team before purchasing any over-the-counter products—we can recommend an eye drop right for you after performing an eye exam.

Antibiotic medications can help fight infection and reduce inflammation in the eyes, while anti-inflammatory drugs can reduce inflammation caused by allergies or other factors.

Both medications have been shown to be effective at reducing dry eye symptoms when used as directed by your doctor.

Meibomian gland expression involves gently pressing the upper and lower eyelids near the lash line to manually express your meibomian glands.

Expressing these glands can help support oil production for your tears, which can improve the quality of tears your eyes produce and help to alleviate dry eye symptoms.

Punctal plugs are medical devices that block tear ducts and allow tears to stay on your eye surface longer to keep your eyes hydrated and reduce dryness.

Punctal plugs are typically made of silicone or collagen and can be inserted during a single appointment.

We may recommend punctal plugs for people with moderate to severe cases of dry eye.

Regular eyelid cleansing can help reduce bacteria levels and remove oil that may build up on your eyelids and interfere with tear production.

We can recommend a few different products to help keep your eyelids clean and healthy, promote proper tear production, and alleviate dry eye symptoms.

Start Your Path to Dry Eye Relief

It’s time to get help for dry, irritated eyes. Get started today when you book your next appointment in any of our locations.

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Our Locations

Fontana Optometric Group

Find us on the corner of Juniper Ave and Seville Ave. We offer plenty of parking right next to our building, with accessibility options available.

  • 8381 Juniper Ave #100
  • Fontana, CA 92335

*Closed 12:00PM – 1:30PM for lunch

Optometric Group of Upland

Find us on E. Arrow Highway, near the San Antonio Regional Hospital. We have a small parking lot behind our building for your convenience.

  • 1095 E. Arrow Hwy
  • Upland, CA 91786

*Closed 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM for lunch.

Optometric Group of Rancho Cucamonga

Find us in the Vineyards Marketplace right off the Foothill Freeway. Take the exit onto Milliken Ave and turn left onto Kenyon Way. We offer plenty of parking out front.

  • 11460 Kenyon Way #107
  • Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91701

*Closed 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM for lunch.

Optometric Group of Upland Downtown

Find us on N. 2nd Ave between E. 9th St. and E. A St. just south of the Gazebo in beautiful downtown Upland. You can park on 2nd Ave in front of the office, or we have a parking lot behind our building for your convenience.

  • 155 N 2nd Ave
  • Upland, CA 91786

*Closed 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM for lunch.

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